Future events
Tech for Dreaming: Monthly Community Connect
This is the Tech for Dreaming Monthly Community Connect. It’s an intentionally informal and unstructured meeting in which community members can openly connect on a range of topics, including in-progress lucid dreaming technology projects, discuss the science of lucid dreaming, and share ideas about how to move the lucid dreaming technology space forward.
We’ll aim for the 2nd Wednesday of each month for these events.
And if you want to start the discussion now, join the Tech for Dreaming Discord server. Past events are viewable on our YouTube channel.
Past events
July 10, 2024

July Monthly Community Connect
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month we have an informal and unstructured meeting in which community members can openly connect on a range of topics, including in-progress lucid dreaming technology projects, discuss the science of lucid dreaming, and share ideas about how to move the lucid dreaming technology space forward.
Note: This event was not recorded.
Adam Haar Horowitz: Dream Incubation and More
We were joined by Adam Haar Horowitz to chat dream incubation and a variety of other dreamy topics.
Guillermo Bernal: The Fascia ecosystem
We were joined by Guillermo Bernal–formerly of the MIT Media Lab–to discuss the Fascia ecosystem – a sleep mask system loaded with sensors (e.g. EEG, EOG, EMG, PPG, temperature, EDA, etc.) to track sleep, and apply stimulation with light, sound, smell, and humidity.
July 19, 2023

Prophetic - Inducing lucid dreams with targeted ultrasound
We were joined by Eric Wollberg, Founder and CEO, of Prophetic–a new company aiming to induce lucid dreams with targeted ultrasound.
Topics included:
- Description of The Halo and the vision of Prophetic
- Outline of the future roadmap, including discussion about uncertainty
- Importance of citizen scientists to help the cause
- Open topics
Let's Build: Brainstorming Open, Distributed Collaboration
In this less-structured event, we’ll brainstorm ways to kickstart more real-world projects within the Tech for Dreaming community.
Bring your ideas and let us know if you have any lucid dream technology projects in progress that could use help from the community.
Discussion topics will include:
- Open-source versus closed approach
- Ways to promote collaboration with a distributed community
- Examples of real-world community lucid dreaming tech projects
- How to best work with academic researchers
- And more!
And if you want to start the discussion now, join the Tech for Dreaming Discord server.
Communicating with Lucid Dreamers and Beyond — Esteban Munoz Musat
At this event, we were joined by Esteban Munoz Musat from the Paris Brain Institute (ICM) and he discussed recent research on communication with lucid dreamers and responsiveness across all sleep stages. This event was part presentation and part Q&A.
Creating the NovaDreamer & The History of Lucid Dreaming Tech — Craig Webb
We were joined by Craig Webb to discuss how one of the first devices for lucid dreaming—the NovaDreamer—was developed. We also discussed the history of lucid dreaming technology and how consciousness-expanding tech might progress.
Lucid Dream Induction with Sleep EEG Wearables & Open-Source Dream Engineering – Mahdad Jafarzadeh
In this event, we were joined by Mahdad Jafarzadeh from the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in The Netherlands. We discussed:
* Current limitations of lucid dreaming literature
* Importance of open-source software like Dreamento
* Overview of upcoming lucid dream induction study using an EEG wearable
* Q&A Session
Lucid dreaming. There's an app for that.
In this event, we discussed how apps on mobile devices can help us lucid dream.
We were joined by people working on mobile apps designed to make lucid dreaming more accessible, including: the Lucidly app, the WordWithin app, and the Lucid Experiment app from Northwestern University.
Review of Current Lucid Dreaming Tech
In this event, we reviewed a few lucid dreaming technology products including, but not limited to, the Somni mask, Remee mask, binaural beats apps, and galantamine. We then generally discussed how we can move toward a world of on-demand lucid dreaming enabled by technology.
Cannabis, Psychedelics, and Lucid Dreaming
In this event, we discussed how ancient plant and fungi technology—cannabis and psychedelics—overlap with, and influence lucid dreaming.
Designing Community Experiments for Lucid Dream Induction
In our first event of 2022, we brainstormed how to test lucid dreaming technology, together. As a community, we have the opportunity to test cutting-edge lucid dream induction techniques that arise from community projects and ideas that typically go unfunded in the academic research community. We hope these eventual pilot studies will generate intriguing results that warrant further investigation by academic researchers. Either way, the journey will be fun.
Jarrod Gott: Virtual Reality (VR) Training for Lucid Dreaming — Jarrod Gott
In this event, we’re joined by Jarrod Gott—a researcher in the Donders Sleep & Memory Lab in The Netherlands. After a short overview of Tech for Dreaming by Brian Gilan, Jarrod Gott took time to review his recent publication exploring the use of virtual reality (VR) as a training tool for lucid dreaming. He also provided preliminary analysis for a mental study and covered a range of questions and topics, including the future of the metaverse, ethics, dream engineering, and more.
There was also be ample time for open Q&A.
Benjamin Baird, PhD: The cognitive neuroscience of lucid dreaming
Dr. Benjamin Baird is a research scientist specializing in the study of human cognition and consciousness at the University of Wisconsin Center for Sleep and Consciousness.
During this event, we discussed the cognitive neuroscience of lucid dreaming, including:
• Physiological validation of lucid dreaming
• Physiological correlates of lucid dreaming
• Neuroimaging of lucid dreaming
• EEG correlates of lucid dreaming
• Lucid dreaming as a methodology
• Induction of lucid dreams
There was also be ample time for open Q&A.
Tech for Dreaming — Electrical Stimulation & the 2014 Voss et al study
In this event, we explored how electrical stimulation could potentially help induce lucid dreams. We examined past research—mostly the 2014 Voss study—and the future potential.
Tech for Dreaming — July — Devices & Supplements for Lucid Dreaming
This is the video recording of the Tech for Dreaming event on July 21st, 2021.
We discussed devices and supplements to induce lucid dreams. Topics included the Somnimask, Remee, Rem Dreamer PRO, community projects, participating in lucid dreaming research, data/algorithm transparency, and galantamine.
Karen Konkoly: Interactive Dreaming; Dash Bark-Huss: The Dream Phone
Karen Konkoly—a lead researcher of the recent Northwestern study (—discussed the study and interactive dreaming.
Dashiell Bark-Huss provided an overview of her Dream Phone project. The Dream Phone will detect REM, induce a lucid dream, and allow her to send messages from a lucid dream. Dash was also a participant in the Northwestern study that Karen discussed.